Three Reasons to Save Your Kid's Kindergarten Pictures Now! Your Photos Can Be A Powerful Parenting Tool Sponsored by Pixologie Okay, you have piles of your children’s photos in boxes, envelopes, tucked in bins in the closet – or on your computer, different camera cards, smart phones and on Facebook! We know . . . you’ll get to sorting the photos out someday. Well, we have some reasons why you might not want to wait. Read more... If you are wanting to raise happy, well adjusted children, your photos can be one of the BEST parenting tools you have. Nationally recognized parenting expert, Deborah Gilboa, MD, ( aka Doctor G ), recently presented a webinar to the Association of Personal Photo Organizers on how this could be. Gilboa believes that photos impact the three R’s of parenting. In her experience, photos: Teach Respect Show Responsibility Build Resiliency Here’s a quick example of how we see some kindergarten photos touching upon Doctor G’s three R’s. 1. Teaching Respect...