Cabin Fever Family Activity Survival Guide
Winter 2015
compiled by Paula Herrmann, Founder
Just Add Kids
School's Out! And it's not for summer. Bummer?!
Once again, we're trapped in our homes due to the dangerous winter weather.
It's Wisconsin after all. Cheer or complain, we deal.
This is an repeat of last year's list, and hoping to continuing to build with the help of our JAK peeps...oh yeah, that's you! Do share!
We've tapped into some of the ideas posted out there on the social media sites and those activities we have access to and are good fallbacks in bad (and good) weather.

Before you advance to any of the below ideas! Take part in this timely activity ==>fundraiser and help out this Racine area homeless shelter, Hospitality Center, that without the resources need in cash donations and manpower will cease its overnight operations.
Totally kid-friendly! Can you imagine being homeless on a day like this? "The 10/10/10 Challenge: 12 Hours of Change in Racine"
1) Make Water balloon Ice Marbles. Needed: latex balloons, food coloring, kitchen tap water, snow bank!

2) Blow bubbles into the chilly air. Heated up your bubble solution so that it's warm or even hot to the touch. Blow several bubbles into the frigid, sub-freezing air. Catch with a wand if you can and watch it turn into a crystal fragile ball. Needed: store bought bubbles or home concoction.
3) Make snow! Throwing boiling water (away from you/downwind) into the frigid subzero dry air will cause it to evaporate almost instantly. Needed: pot, water, stove!
4) Freeze your shirt! Wash/wet & ring out a shirt, hang on a hanger outside in the bitter cold. It'll freeze in a very short period of time! Hey, that's a cool shirt you've got there.
5) Make a sofa-fort!

6) Bake cookies! Your recipe. Great activity you can do with peeps ages toddler thru teen. Feed the stomach, warm up the house! Success!

7) Cozy up together and watch a movie! Dig into your old VHS's and share your childhood favs, if you can. Nothing is better than some of the classics. (see new posting, #11)
8) Puzzletime! Sometimes attacking a 500 piece puzzle can be daunting, but once you get into it, it's addicting. "Let's-a go, little guys!"

9) Ice Face, Baby! Finger drawing in frozen or moisture laden windows brings back so many memories of winter rides on the school bus. Is that JAK?

10) Snow Bath! Too cold for the kiddos to play in the yard? Well, bring the snow inside. Use your tub! Make a snowman, a snow fort, have fun. Dress appropriately....coat, snow pants, boots, and mittens are still necessary.
[caption id="attachment_2271" align="alignnone" width="300"]
photo credit: ABC7 Chicago[/caption]
11) Watch FROZEN (again, or for the first time) for free! Got 125 minutes to fill? It's PG and free*. Pop the corn, snuggle up, and enjoy. Here's the link:

*credit card necessary to create account.
12) Lego Ninjago Snakedown in the snow (in the bathroom)! Or of course, substitute with Lego Friends, or Polly Pockets, or Littlest Pet Shop, etc.!

13) Do your nails together! Set up shop! It's time for mommy & daughter (or son) mani & pedi! Here's a DIY to follow :

We'll add more ideas to this list. We encourage any freaking awesome feedback from YOU! You can comment or email JAK at
Winter 2015
compiled by Paula Herrmann, Founder
Just Add Kids
School's Out! And it's not for summer. Bummer?!
Once again, we're trapped in our homes due to the dangerous winter weather.
It's Wisconsin after all. Cheer or complain, we deal.
This is an repeat of last year's list, and hoping to continuing to build with the help of our JAK peeps...oh yeah, that's you! Do share!
We've tapped into some of the ideas posted out there on the social media sites and those activities we have access to and are good fallbacks in bad (and good) weather.
Before you advance to any of the below ideas! Take part in this timely activity ==>fundraiser and help out this Racine area homeless shelter, Hospitality Center, that without the resources need in cash donations and manpower will cease its overnight operations.
Totally kid-friendly! Can you imagine being homeless on a day like this? "The 10/10/10 Challenge: 12 Hours of Change in Racine"
1) Make Water balloon Ice Marbles. Needed: latex balloons, food coloring, kitchen tap water, snow bank!
2) Blow bubbles into the chilly air. Heated up your bubble solution so that it's warm or even hot to the touch. Blow several bubbles into the frigid, sub-freezing air. Catch with a wand if you can and watch it turn into a crystal fragile ball. Needed: store bought bubbles or home concoction.
3) Make snow! Throwing boiling water (away from you/downwind) into the frigid subzero dry air will cause it to evaporate almost instantly. Needed: pot, water, stove!
4) Freeze your shirt! Wash/wet & ring out a shirt, hang on a hanger outside in the bitter cold. It'll freeze in a very short period of time! Hey, that's a cool shirt you've got there.
5) Make a sofa-fort!
6) Bake cookies! Your recipe. Great activity you can do with peeps ages toddler thru teen. Feed the stomach, warm up the house! Success!
7) Cozy up together and watch a movie! Dig into your old VHS's and share your childhood favs, if you can. Nothing is better than some of the classics. (see new posting, #11)
8) Puzzletime! Sometimes attacking a 500 piece puzzle can be daunting, but once you get into it, it's addicting. "Let's-a go, little guys!"
9) Ice Face, Baby! Finger drawing in frozen or moisture laden windows brings back so many memories of winter rides on the school bus. Is that JAK?
10) Snow Bath! Too cold for the kiddos to play in the yard? Well, bring the snow inside. Use your tub! Make a snowman, a snow fort, have fun. Dress appropriately....coat, snow pants, boots, and mittens are still necessary.
[caption id="attachment_2271" align="alignnone" width="300"]
11) Watch FROZEN (again, or for the first time) for free! Got 125 minutes to fill? It's PG and free*. Pop the corn, snuggle up, and enjoy. Here's the link:
*credit card necessary to create account.
12) Lego Ninjago Snakedown in the snow (in the bathroom)! Or of course, substitute with Lego Friends, or Polly Pockets, or Littlest Pet Shop, etc.!
13) Do your nails together! Set up shop! It's time for mommy & daughter (or son) mani & pedi! Here's a DIY to follow :

We'll add more ideas to this list. We encourage any freaking awesome feedback from YOU! You can comment or email JAK at
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