Get Your Child’s Snacks on the Healthy Track
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Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare - All Saints
If you think your kids have more snack attacks than you did as a child, you're right.
Compared with 20 years ago, children are taking more snack breaks. Snacks are a now even a routine part of school days where children can buy an item or two from the snack cart or bring something from home to eat during the day. Even though schools have done a much better job about including healthy snack choices for sale, this higher number of snack breaks can result in more calories a day if you’re not careful. Read more...
Children beginning at age two through the teen years snack more often. “With 17 percent of children and adolescents obese, we can blame eating between meals for part of the trend,” says Dr. Manmeet Bains, Family Medicine, Wheaton Franciscan Medical Group – All Saints.
“Snacks should not be forbidden as they play an important role in the well-being of a child,” says Dr. Manmeet Bains. “Younger children should eat three meals and two snacks a day. Healthy snacks, along with nutritious meals, help children grow strong and perform better at school.” The task for parents and others who care for kids: offer healthy snacks that children like.

There are also plenty of nutritious snacks available outside the produce department, including whole-grain crackers or breads, nuts, dried fruit, unsweetened apple sauce, eggs, cottage cheese, lower sugar and high fiber dry cereal, low-fat or nonfat milk, Greek yogurt, and protein-enriched smoothies.
Your children probably won't give up a daily soda-and-chips routine without protest. Still, the sooner you start, the easier it will be. It is much harder to change the habits of a teenager than it is to create healthy habits in a toddler.
Dr. Manmeet Bains is accepting new patients.

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