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Showing posts from September, 2013

Hang Tight

Taking Flight by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann Several weeks back I introduced you to the trio of Cindy, Rusty, and Gavin Schultz: a mom, a dog, and a teen with autism. (see JAK Chat: "You Had Me At...Hello!") Since our introduction at a special needs resource fair back in April, I've hung out with them at Gavin's R.P.M.(Rapid Prompting Method) Therapy, gone to his horse therapy; worked side by side with Cindy to bring the Kid's Carnival to life in late July; and followed along with their comings and goings (Brewer games, summer camp, hospital, Auditory Integration Therapy, to the pool, bowling alley, Gentle Worship, and the list goes on) mostly via Facebook. This trio has an amazing social life, of which admittedly, I am a bit jealous! Cindy exhausts me! Her hard work with A.S.P. and tending to Gavin's needs inspires me. However, her latest posts/texts/conversations about Gavin concern me. Please READ MORE... Gavin is non verbal. He can certainly com...


Saving Date Night by JAK's guest mom blogger from Kenosha, Cassandra Vite We love the Keno Drive-In!  Located at 9102 Sheridan Road in Pleasant Prairie, it’s a treasure in southeastern Wisconsin cherished by many.  Both my husband and I have fond memories as teens and together of this local Kenosha icon.  My favorite part: it’s a date night for us without having to pay for a babysitter because we can bring our son with us.  He chats happily in the back and enjoys some popcorn with us from the snack shop.  Soon, he falls asleep and we are able to watch a first run movie under the stars together.  The cool Wisconsin breeze ads to the ambiance and we have a great time enjoying each other’s company taking in a movie. For us, the cost is incredibly affordable, especially compared to the brick-and-mortar big multi-plex cinemas.  Have a larger family?  Here’s a tip: Sunday night is READ MORE... carload night!  All you have to do is pile your SUV or minivan full of kids (in car seats of ...

Say It Ain't So

September 11th Memory Lapse by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann Back-to-School Coma ? I swear I live my life like a marketing campaign sometimes. (Previous campaign: End of School Year Hangover , which I think I just overcame a couple of weeks ago, right?). I don't know where my mind has been lately. Um let's see...4 kids, 4 different schools; surgery for the dog; car problems; new JAK staff, rummage sale... Well, there is more, but I think you get the picture. I'm freaking busy as all get out. I was not reminded of today's day of remembrance until late last night, something brief on the news. I didn't even have the subject on the docket for this week's blog. How in the world could I forget? In year's past, I'd approach and live through this anniversary heavy-hearted. Eerily, each year's September 11th to me, seemed to mimic the clear day that we had back on that Tuesday in 2001. Today, with all due respect, I didn't somberly tune into the n...


It's Random by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann Wanting to keep things on a light note today, I thought I'd share with you a  couple of cute stories have crossed my radar in the last couple of weeks. You may have caught wind of these RAOK's (Random Acts of Kindness), both gone viral nationally. One involving a North Carolina family. And the other one, from our neck of the woods. Yet if not, ah, just go ahead, Read More... "God only gives special children to special people" Those of us with children know well the scenario of bravely venturing out with the kids to a restaurant for dinner. Baby/child acts out calling attention to your table. Other restaurant patrons express their dismay with snide looks, or remarks aloud or under their breath. Such was the case of a family with an 8 year old special needs child. But, not everyone was put off by the child's outburst. One kind customer, paid for the families bill and offered a heartwarming message written on ...