It's Random
by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann
Wanting to keep things on a light note today, I thought I'd share with you a couple of cute stories have crossed my radar in the last couple of weeks.
You may have caught wind of these RAOK's (Random Acts of Kindness), both gone viral nationally. One involving a North Carolina family. And the other one, from our neck of the woods. Yet if not, ah, just go ahead, Read More...
"God only gives special children to special people" Those of us with children know well the scenario of bravely
"Dear Section 113, Row 17, Seat 22" A month ago, the story of a Waukesha mom wanting to thank a stranger who she and her family interacted with one day at a Brewer game gained national attention. Mom was grateful for the game ball he "scored" and gave to her oldest of three sons she and her husband so bravely brought out to the game. Her gratitude was not just about the ball, but for putting up with her children (imagine being in the seat right in front of a 2 year old boy sitting on mom's lap) and seemingly just being a kind, friendly, and obviously generous human being. After massive sharing of the story on Facebook, primarily, local press assisting to spread the word, "mystery man's" identity was revealed and he and the family were reunited. Just a sweet story that will warm your heart, if you haven't already read about it. Here's a link to her blog: The Mystery Man at Miller Park.
Ah, what a sweet read, eh:
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