"The Mom Stink" Heads South Last month I wrote about my 16 year old daughter's obsession with my smell...yes, I stink! (Chances are, you stink too!) I dubbed my scent "The Mom Stink". With the change of the new year, comes reflections of the past year and visions of what the new year will bring. Said daughter is at the top of my thoughts right now as she, for the very first time, ventured out on her own, on a weeklong trip to Arizona, something that probably would've never happened even a couple of months ago. Packed in her overstuffed pullman was my pillowcase, unlaundered, pulled off of my pillow on the morning of her departure. Read More... Only a few short years ago, my daughter suffered from a bout of insomnia. Endless nights were spent in her bed. My presence gave her comfort through the long dark hours, and here and there she'd catch a few light naps. What a challenging time for us. Then there were the numerous phone calls when I'd be o...