Looking BACK to School
Another first day of school under my belt. In fact it is my 10th anniversary of the "First Day of School". I have four kids. They are all school aged ranging from 2nd grade through 11th grade.
Last year was pretty eventful for half of my kids. We had moved my younger two kids from their previous private Christian school, to what I know now to be, an excellent public elementary magnet school. More than anything, they were thrilled to ride the school bus. I, admittedly too, was (thrilled). This year, back to the bus stop, back to the routine. Easy transition.
The big transition this school year, has fallen into the laps of my teen girls, my high schooler's. Read More...
This year, now it's their turn to "go public". Public school, that is. Now this isn't intended to be a private vs. public school commentary. It is what it is. As I said, this is my eleventh school year as a mom. I have a freshman daughter who chose to go to Horlick High School after 11 years (counting 2 in preschool) of Catholic schooling. My other daughter, now a junior, not a choice (to move to Horlick). Let's clarify, those choices came when she was attending St. Catherine's, and with those choices came consequences.....and here we are!
We had some challenges this summer as this day, the first day of school, approached. I feared for the worse with the latter daughter, who was determined NEVER to step foot into THAT school. Without spending any further time elaborating on that, I can only tell you, it was nothing short of divine intervention that spontaneously changed her attitude. (and, no, it isn't some cute dude) She went without hesitation. Thankfully, she's carpooling with a friend, which I am sure helped ease her onto the campus. Upon her arrival home today, she quipped "I smelled pot for the first time, mom". Not sure if that is a good thing, or a bad thing. Hmmmm.
Surprisingly, my emotions focused on my freshman daughter. I could tell her nerves started to quietly ramp up yesterday. Her mind, I imagine, immersed in the thought of over-crowded classrooms and hallways, thugs, and hardly knowing anyone. Hate to say it, much of what was put there, was done so by the people who know it best: some of the teachers we had met, guidance personnel, other students.
Today was to be her first day riding the school bus. Rather, she asked that I drop her off. Why not? We've dropped her off many a days for the last eleven years, plus, I can capture this memorable event with a picture. Yeah, first day of school in high school is a bit different than elementary school. I could count on two fingers how many parents I saw actively with their child on campus. Car traffic was quickly ushered in. C'mon people, the administrator said with his facial expressions and actions. Traffic flow in the Horlick parking lot has drastically changed. It was a swift drop off which afforded me a lamo picture of her getting out of the passenger side of the car. Sad, that we couldn't relish in this monumental event together, but the traffic had to keep moving, keep moving. I decided to pull over and watched her walk into the building, through my rear view mirror....There she was, my baby, all big and entering into the high school building. My eyes well up as I type, as they did in my lonely car this morning.
How does time just move so fast? Really, I am ready for it to slow down. Today, is one of those reminders that you have to live each day to it's fullest because before you know it, your baby is going to be grown up. Take note and enjoy the "un"events of today.
Another first day of school under my belt. In fact it is my 10th anniversary of the "First Day of School". I have four kids. They are all school aged ranging from 2nd grade through 11th grade.
Last year was pretty eventful for half of my kids. We had moved my younger two kids from their previous private Christian school, to what I know now to be, an excellent public elementary magnet school. More than anything, they were thrilled to ride the school bus. I, admittedly too, was (thrilled). This year, back to the bus stop, back to the routine. Easy transition.
The big transition this school year, has fallen into the laps of my teen girls, my high schooler's. Read More...
This year, now it's their turn to "go public". Public school, that is. Now this isn't intended to be a private vs. public school commentary. It is what it is. As I said, this is my eleventh school year as a mom. I have a freshman daughter who chose to go to Horlick High School after 11 years (counting 2 in preschool) of Catholic schooling. My other daughter, now a junior, not a choice (to move to Horlick). Let's clarify, those choices came when she was attending St. Catherine's, and with those choices came consequences.....and here we are!
We had some challenges this summer as this day, the first day of school, approached. I feared for the worse with the latter daughter, who was determined NEVER to step foot into THAT school. Without spending any further time elaborating on that, I can only tell you, it was nothing short of divine intervention that spontaneously changed her attitude. (and, no, it isn't some cute dude) She went without hesitation. Thankfully, she's carpooling with a friend, which I am sure helped ease her onto the campus. Upon her arrival home today, she quipped "I smelled pot for the first time, mom". Not sure if that is a good thing, or a bad thing. Hmmmm.
Surprisingly, my emotions focused on my freshman daughter. I could tell her nerves started to quietly ramp up yesterday. Her mind, I imagine, immersed in the thought of over-crowded classrooms and hallways, thugs, and hardly knowing anyone. Hate to say it, much of what was put there, was done so by the people who know it best: some of the teachers we had met, guidance personnel, other students.
Today was to be her first day riding the school bus. Rather, she asked that I drop her off. Why not? We've dropped her off many a days for the last eleven years, plus, I can capture this memorable event with a picture. Yeah, first day of school in high school is a bit different than elementary school. I could count on two fingers how many parents I saw actively with their child on campus. Car traffic was quickly ushered in. C'mon people, the administrator said with his facial expressions and actions. Traffic flow in the Horlick parking lot has drastically changed. It was a swift drop off which afforded me a lamo picture of her getting out of the passenger side of the car. Sad, that we couldn't relish in this monumental event together, but the traffic had to keep moving, keep moving. I decided to pull over and watched her walk into the building, through my rear view mirror....There she was, my baby, all big and entering into the high school building. My eyes well up as I type, as they did in my lonely car this morning.
How does time just move so fast? Really, I am ready for it to slow down. Today, is one of those reminders that you have to live each day to it's fullest because before you know it, your baby is going to be grown up. Take note and enjoy the "un"events of today.
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