November is a time when, as adults, we often reflect on all life’s blessings that we are thankful for- no matter how big or small. But what about our kids? My kids know that after November comes Christmas. How can they not when the media is already throwing the holidays in our face as soon as Halloween ends? Clearly, Christmas and other holidays are not the problem at all. It’s the commercialism that comes with it. I was recently at the store with my 3 kids (that was my 1 st mistake) and as we wandered through the toy aisles (that was my 2 nd mistake) they each found something that they HAD to have. RIGHT NOW. Luckily, after saying no, they got the message and knew not to ask again. But this made me realize we had to have another conversation. Which we did when we got home. It’s totally okay to want things. I, personally, have a long wish list of things that I want. And yes, sometimes I want that instant gratification. But I wanted to remind my kids the difference between need ...