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Chiropractic! Nature's Answer to Amoxicillin

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Sozo Chiropractic
Written by Jessica Nye, Practice Representative 

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I recently observed a mother and her 3-year-old son wait for 2 and half hours at a local walk-in clinic.  The little boy was very rambunctious and was understandably having a difficult time waiting his turn to be seen by the doctors.  The mother was very patient with her son but you could tell she was stressed out.  I overheard her tell another patient that they were there because her son had an ear infection.  I felt so sorry for this poor mom and boy because I know there is a better way.  A better way to treat an ear infection.  A better way to care for a little one’s health.  That better way is chiropractic care.


NYE family for blog Sozo.jpgI am a mother myself.  I have three children ages four, three, and one.  We are expecting our fourth child in August.  I have walked a few miles in this young mom’s shoes.  I used to call our pediatrician’s office so often that they knew me by first name and would ask which of my children I was calling about.   I spent hours at the doctor’s office.  I spent hours fretting about and fighting for my children’s health.

This all changed two years ago when my children began receiving chiropractic care regularly.  My middle child was born with torticollis (a movement disorder involving the neck muscles), struggled with constipation, and was a poor sleeper.  We heard that chiropractic care might help.  We took him to see Dr. Davis at Sozo Chiropractic.   With the help of chiropractic care, he regained full range of motion in his arm, was a more regular pooper, and slept much more soundly.  I used to laugh when he would promptly poop and then nap after his chiropractic adjustment.   Chiropractic care improved his health and wellbeing.


Seeing the great results that my son had, we put all of our children under chiropractic care, and it has been a game-changer for our family. A year and a half later, after beginning chiropractic care, I have yet to take any of our children to the pediatrician for a sick visit.   When one of our children starts to come down with a stomach bug or a respiratory virus, we take them to see Dr. Davis.  Typically, within 24 to 48 hours they are symptom-free.


I now work for Sozo Chiropractic, where Dr. Davis and Dr. Punita help patients improve their patients’ quality of life every day through chiropractic care.  I hear testimonies of patients avoiding herniated disk surgery, children not needing to have tubes placed in their ears, patients overcoming allergies, asthma, and many other conditions through chiropractic care.  How is this possible?


Chiropractors are the only doctors trained to find and correct minor misalignments in your spine.  These misalignments can be caused by major or minor traumas (car accidents, falls), emotional stress, repetitive motion, or even toxins in the environment.  We all have them.   Left untreated they can cause pain and chronic conditions.


Misaligned vertebrae pinch the nerves around them and cause a kink in the nervousSozo pediatric adjustment pic system.  The nervous system controls and regulates every cell, tissue, and organ in your body.  When you get a chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor removes the kink and enables your body to heal itself.  It enables your nervous system to function properly, which means everything else in your body will function properly too.  Regular chiropractic adjustments actually enable your body to prevent future injuries and illnesses.  It is a great immunity booster!


With all of this in mind, I couldn’t help but approach the young mom I saw at the walk-in.  I learned that her son had already had tubes put in and continued to suffer from regular ear infections.  Exasperated, she said that she was ready to try anything.   I shared with her my own testimony and encouraged her to try chiropractic care.  I don’t know if she will or not, but at least she now knows (and you now know!) that there is a better way.  A better way to treat an ear infection.  A better way to care for your little one’s health.  And that better way is chiropractic care.

Sozo Chiropractic Dr DoniBeth headshot

Dr. DoniBeth Davis is dedicated to providing you with the absolute best in family wellness care. Her office is located at 3720 72nd Avenue Kenosha, WI (on the corner of Hwy142 and County Rd EA, just west of Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club).  The office number is 262-764-9301.   



Dr. Punita Kukreja graduated from Dr Punita and familyPalmer College of Chiropractic in 2007.  She enjoys working
with all types of patients and strives to make treatment fun.  Her focus is on restoring the body’s natural mobility and balance.  Her previous work experience has allowed her to work with workers’ injury as well as personal injury patients.  The treatment protocol focuses immensely on home care such as exercises and stretches as well as regular chiropractic adjustments.  She is fluent in three languages-Hindi, Punjabi, and English.  She was raised in St. John’s, NFLD and loves spending time with her family and friends.




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