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Showing posts from May, 2017

Chiropractic! Nature's Answer to Amoxicillin

Sponsored by  Sozo Chiropractic Written by Jessica Nye, Practice Representative  I recently observed a mother and her 3-year-old son wait for 2 and half hours at a local walk-in clinic.  The little boy was very rambunctious and was understandably having a difficult time waiting his turn to be seen by the doctors.  The mother was very patient with her son but you could tell she was stressed out.  I overheard her tell another patient that they were there because her son had an ear infection.  I felt so sorry for this poor mom and boy because I know there is a better way.  A better way to treat an ear infection.  A better way to care for a little one’s health.  That better way is chiropractic care.   I am a mother myself.  I have three children ages four, three, and one.  We are expecting our fourth child in August.  I have walked a few miles in this young mom’s shoes.  I used to call our pediatrician’s office so often that they knew me by first name and would ask which of my children...