Congrats Gavin Schultz, Class of 2016
Here is a boy that has come so far and will go even farther because his mother, Cindy Schultz, would not let the diagnoses of autism stand in her way to help him succeed in life. Gavin has the same outlook on life. He is positive, inspiring, encouraging others with his words of wisdom. He went to elementary school in Racine. Then Cindy decided to homeschool him for middle school and high school.
She could not be more proud of her son. He is very intelligent. He now attends Wisconsin Independent Learning College in Waukesha two afternoons a week. He along with other students do educational and vocational activities. They are involved in community activities and learn daily living skills.
He has become a public speaker and has spoke at a huge Autism One Conference for 3 years in a row in Chicago Il. He is working on publishing a book of his writings. Nothing will hold this young man back. He has God on his side every step of the way.

From a lost little 2 year old boy when the sparkle left
his eyes and he lost his words to a young man that LOVES Jesus and sees all the good around him.
God has a plan for this one and he is living it!
Watch "My Journey with Autism: The Hopeful One"
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Gavin and his service dog, Rusty[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_4700" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Gavin and I at his graduation party July 2016[/caption]
Gavin. His mom, Cindy. And service dog, Rusty are inspirational in Just Add Kids serving the special needs community and launching JAK - SKE or Just Add Kids - Special Kids Edition which includes a Facebook Group and Calendar of Events that serve those in the special needs community in SE Wisconsin.
I'm so honored and blessed to call them my friends.
Paula Herrmann, Founder
Just Add Kids

Here is a boy that has come so far and will go even farther because his mother, Cindy Schultz, would not let the diagnoses of autism stand in her way to help him succeed in life. Gavin has the same outlook on life. He is positive, inspiring, encouraging others with his words of wisdom. He went to elementary school in Racine. Then Cindy decided to homeschool him for middle school and high school.

He has become a public speaker and has spoke at a huge Autism One Conference for 3 years in a row in Chicago Il. He is working on publishing a book of his writings. Nothing will hold this young man back. He has God on his side every step of the way.

his eyes and he lost his words to a young man that LOVES Jesus and sees all the good around him.
God has a plan for this one and he is living it!
Watch "My Journey with Autism: The Hopeful One"
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Gavin. His mom, Cindy. And service dog, Rusty are inspirational in Just Add Kids serving the special needs community and launching JAK - SKE or Just Add Kids - Special Kids Edition which includes a Facebook Group and Calendar of Events that serve those in the special needs community in SE Wisconsin.
I'm so honored and blessed to call them my friends.
Paula Herrmann, Founder
Just Add Kids
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