A big part of my practice is working with women during pregnancy. I cannot tell you how many times I have people say to me “I didn’t know you could go to the chiropractor when you are pregnant,” or ” I wish I would have known about chiropractic when I was pregnant.”
It is my goal that everyone knows the importance of chiropractic during pregnancy. Not only can women go to the chiropractor when they are pregnant, they NEED to go. It offers so many benefits to the mother and the baby. It is my passion to help women have the best possible pregnancy, labor and delivery.
I see so many women who do not properly prepare for their birth and it is leading to many unnecessary interventions. To any woman out there who is going to have children, this is the message I want you to hear: prepare for your birth as you would for your dream wedding. Take time to research and figure out what you want and what you don’t want. Do not leave it up to the protocols that are established to favor the hospital staff.
Here are a few ways you can prepare.
1) Hire a doula. I would compare this to hiring a wedding coordinator. It is someone who knows a lot about the birthing process and what to expect. The doula can help you prepare properly.
2) Research birth care providers. You are hiring this person to help you bring your baby into the world. Make sure it is someone you like. It is okay to change birth providers. Also, research all the providers of the group because there is a chance one of them will be the doctor delivering. Find out what their c-section rate is. Just how you select the minister who marries you, you get to select your birth care provider and you want it to be someone you like and feel a personal connection with.
3) Take care of your body with proper nutrition, exercise and chiropractic care. You are going to be doing a lot of work to get that baby out of you, so you need to train for it. Every woman I know does a lot to prepare their body for their wedding, do the same for your birth.
4) Have a birth plan. Your doula is a great person to help you with this. Most weddings have a details agenda of exactly what is going to happen on the special day, so should your child’s birthday.
5) Take a detailed and informative birthing class. This is usually found outside of the hospital.

Another note, when your child is born, hold your child for as long as possible. The newborn exam can be performed while you are holding your baby. He or she does not need to be separated from you, unless there is a medical emergency. The weight and length of the baby can be taken later. It is not going to change in the first few minutes of life. The first few minutes are precious and so important for both the mom and baby. Don’t let anyone take that away from you.
Here’s to healthy moms and healthy babies.
Live life to the fullest.

Dr. DoniBeth Davis is dedicated to providing you with the absolute best in family wellness care. Her office is located at 3720 72nd Avenue Kenosha, WI (on the corner of Hwy142 and County Rd EA, just west of Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club). The office number is 262-764-9301.
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