Welcome JAK-SKE!

by Just Add Kids founder,
Paula Herrmann
Okay, so JAK-SKE isn't exactly new. Yet, if I asked for a show of hands as to how many of you know what JAK-SKE is, there'd be a majority of you who don't know.
So, while JAK-SKE isn't a newborn, he/she's got a coming out, of sorts, to announce. Read more...
First, for those of you who don't know what the what this JAK-SKE thing is all about, let me start there. JAK-SKE stands for Just Add Kids - Special Kids Edition. Oh yah, that's what that hard to read type says on the logo above ^^!
We started with **'ing events in our JAK Happenings Calendar of Events. Those events are activities & events that are designed for and/or welcoming to families of children/dependent young adults with special needs. For instance, **Special Needs Family Day at Sealed Air YMCA** which we shall get to very soon in this blog post.
Soon after that, we launched our JAK-SKE Facebook group whose mission is for its members to connect around our common struggles and successes for the benefit our SE Wisconsin/NE Illinios extra needs & special needs children/dependent adults and ourselves. Parents, family members, caregivers, educators, healthcare providers, therapists, and children (13+) have a place to meet socially to be a resource for each other, share experiences, and to provide support. Click here to request to join in the conversation on Facebook.
Next, we created JAK-SKE's own Happenings Calendar of Events. While we strive to be all -inclusive in our basic, original calendar with denoting the **'d events. We have also extracted those events out, just for ease of perusing.
So finally, the exciting news you have been waiting for.... But, wait! You may have seen it already, because I just could not contain the excitement of this upcoming event until this blog post.... Either way, Just Add Kids - Special Kids Edition is excited to announce its partnership with the Racine Family YMCA and Autism Solution Pieces in bringing the next Special Needs Family Fun Day which is taking place this Sunday at the Sealed Air YMCA from 1-3pm. Please see flier below. If you click on the flier, a pdf version will pop open that you can download and share. You do know, you can actually save the below flier in a jpg on your device, as well, right?
All friends and families of individuals with special needs are welcome to come. We'd appreciate you letting others know. Thank you!
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