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Take Note!

In Memoriam
by Just Add Kids Founder, sad with teardrop

Paula Herrmann


It seems like in recent weeks, we've lost some very notable people. David Bowie, Glen Frey, and my friend Paul.

Wait! You didn't know Paul? Had it not been for his untimely death, you likely would have. But then again, you may have been touched by his creative work and did not even know it. An amazing artist, born and raised right here in Kenosha, who had a vision to bring his talents and creativity (back) to you...parents and kids in southeastern Wisconsin and beyond!  Read more...

Some people just make an impression on you from the get go. A cute, young family in church that is so well put together.  A Dad, a mom, a little girl, and toddler boy. Pretty ideal by our American standards! Collectively and individually they're able to light up the room. You know those folks.

Dateline: April 5, 2014, we're at Case High School, it's the 5th Annual Just Add Kids EXPO! Paul tracks me down at the event singing the praises of the production, the number of people, the attentiveness of the audience, as he is part of the team interacting at our church's exhibitor booth. "I've got an idea!" Well, my friend..., I was all ears. And the vision that he created for a future event would blow ya'll away.  As the 2015 event approached, things were close, but not quite ready to have the trigger pulled. Dang! But, if you're familiar the the expo, you know last year was a bit unique. Three words: Case. Field. House. Still awesome, though, right?

As we looked to turn the corner on 2016, Paul really had no idea the plans I had for him. I gave him a hint only 2 1/2 weeks ago. My famous last words: "We've gotta talk..."

[caption id="attachment_4262" align="alignleft" width="130"]Paul Nunn 2 Because his work is copyrighted, I respectfully link you to his website. You can click on the book above. Be prepared to be amazed![/caption]

Paul's unexpected, untimely death has shockingly left a big void in so many peoples' lives. Only 41 years old, he was an illustrator who had achieved amazing success, yet humble and approachable as all get out. Gone without warning. When I reflect and take a look at his life, creative work and career, I can't even believe the brush with fame I had by knowing him. Knowing he actually cared and was excited about my business, and oh my goodness, wanted to collaborate...honored. Blessed!

There's a reason for everyone's life and death. We're celebrating. We're mourning. I cannot even imagine those intimately close to him are feeling. I'm in pain for me (selfishly) and them (heartfelt).

I share this with you as I use this blog to sometimes document my life experiences and thoughts. What's my take away? It's the same message that I offer in many of my entries...

"Make the most of every moment. Time is precious."
We are not guaranteed our next breath.

[caption id="attachment_4261" align="aligncenter" width="470"]Casey & Friends is a Case IH produced series of books, games, and activities that introduce children to the world of modern farming. Casey the farmer – along with her friends Tillus the techie earthworm, Big Red the adventurous tractor, and a team of Case IH equipment characters – teach children about modern farming practices and equipment. In the course of having fun, the Casey & Friends series helps children to make thoughtful connections between what they’ve learned and their own experiences. So the next time they are taking a trip through the countryside, visiting a pumpkin patch, or shopping at the grocery store, children will better understand how farming works and why it is important. Casey & Friends is a Case IH produced series of books, games, and activities that introduce children to the world of modern farming. Casey the farmer – along with her friends Tillus the techie earthworm, Big Red the adventurous tractor, and a team of Case IH equipment characters – teach children about modern farming practices and equipment. In the course of having fun, the Casey & Friends series helps children to make thoughtful connections between what they’ve learned and their own experiences. So the next time they are taking a trip through the countryside, visiting a pumpkin patch, or shopping at the grocery store, children will better understand how farming works and why it is important.[/caption]



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