Developing A New Normal 
Sponsored by Sozo Chiropractic

Sponsored by Sozo Chiropractic
It is always interesting to me what people define as “normal”. It is definitely a relative word and each person has their own perspective of what normal means in their lives.
One of my favorite things is to help people realize a new normal in their health. When doing an initial evaluation with a new patient, I will ask lots of questions of his or her current symptoms and health concerns. Many times people will refer to their pain or headaches as normal. From my perspective, headaches are not normal, back pain is not normal, leg pain is not normal, fatigue is not normal. The reason it is viewed as normal is because it has gone on for so long. There is a point when the pain or symptoms start to feel normal. People accept the pain and don’t know they can live a life free from that. Read more...

My goal is to help people live life at their full potential. Chiropractic care is a big part of this. However, it is not the only part. Often there are lifestyle changes that need to accompany the chiropractic care to achieve the goal. To realize a new normal, you have to be willing to make the changes necessary to get there.
If you or someone you know has accepted a life full of discomfort and pain as the norm, I challenge you to start or recommend chiropractic care. From there you can incorporate the lifestyle changes necessary to find a new normal.
Live life to the fullest!

Dr. DoniBeth Davis is dedicated to providing you with the absolute best in family wellness care. Her office is located at 3720 72nd Avenue Kenosha, WI (on the corner of Hwy142 and County Rd EA, just west of Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club). The office number is 262-764-9301.
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