A Family of Trait-dition
by Just Add Kids Founder
Paula Herrmann
Two weeks back in JAK Chat blog, I wrote about some of the traditions our family does during the Christmas holiday. We have the schedule of things we do, and we pretty much stick to it every year. One of those things is to hit the road to my parent's home in Mukwonago on Christmas Day for my side of the family's celebration.
Last year spawned the first of a family tradition whilst on that annual trek over-the-river-and-through-the-woods...the second annual Herrmann selfie in the family truckster.
The selfie phenomenon originated long before Kim Kardashian came on the scene. In fact, my brother recently produced the first evidence of the selfie on my side of the family. Here's my dad at my sister's 1990 wedding totally capturing the excitement of the selfie. The Johnny Jack selfie meme. Nice! Can you imagine having to wait a few days to receive back your printed photos? Remember that? Dropping off film to be developed. The surprise of what you see once you open the envelop and browse through the pics. This selfie? Daddy nailed it!
Trait: a genetically determined characteristic.
Apparently, the selfie apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In all honesty, ours was not a one shot wonder. Rather, bad snap after bad snap; swapping drivers, as the hubs was falling asleep at the wheel (a Herrmann family trait); and an accidental video to capture my hub's failed attempt at the perfect family selfie.
Film points of interest:
-The selfie lens option is not selected. Though many attempts are made to position the camera near the car's rearview mirror to take snap the family selfie.
-An accidental slip into Slo-Mo mode at :04.
-Whoops! Phone dropping at :18.
-Anyone recognize highway 20, this neighborhood in Waterford? Is that you in front of us?
-Enter me at 1:39 trying to direct him how to flip the phone for regular front lens, to selfie lens.
As long as the final product works, right? It's all about the adventure to get there.
Self-portraiture....it's an art, alright.
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