My 13 year old daughter, Christiane, in one of her first English assignments wrote about her name. She labeled it as "uncommon". Funny the whole description had the feel of "common", kinda "blah".
While I've told the story to her so many times as to how her name was derived, she included nothing of the sort in her essay. Seriously, she has so much material to work with! So, okay, maybe mom here is a bit biased, but her name comes, in part, with some recent historical significance. Read more...
I was pregnant with this one, my number 3 girl, on September 11, 2001 when our country was attacked. Along with my fellow Americans and the world, I was glued to our TV as events and reports unfolded. I was a big CNN watcher then and was mesmerized by one of their lead reporters who was constantly on the scene with some middle eastern landscape in the backdrop. Her name, Christiane Amanpour.
Not sure if you used any sort of methodology to name your children, but Christiane's name resonated with me. It's beautiful. Somewhat in honor and respect this reporter. I'm Christian, so that makes sense, too. And oddly enough, years ago I asked permission of a family if they wouldn't mind if I were to name (if I ever had another child/daughter) her Ani. That was years before I was even pregnant. Permission granted. Ani is a beautiful name, and worked well as the shortened version of Christiane, right? It works.
Well, Ani never stuck. Lovingly, she has earned the nicknames Pink Stink and Chrusty. You know there are stories behind those. None as dignified as what I am telling you today. Shortened, she goes by Christi, which is the way I spell it. She spells it Christy. I should just let her win on this.
Anyways, thanks for allowing me to share and you listening/reading.
Please never forget.
My past years' September 11th reflections:
Blue Skies: Grey Days (2011)
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