From Whence We Came
Written by Just Add Kids Founder,
Paula Herrmann
Today, instead of working (
or playing hooky) I sit in the hospital room. I'm not complaining, we've got the room with a view, after all.
Over the hospital intercom, the bells start to chime that sweet familiar tune...a baby is born! And that's kinda where this story started. Read more...
For those of you who subscribe to this blog or newsletter, you may know of the path of battling cancer that my dad (and family) has been thrown into, pretty much the day after the Just Add Kids EXPO! To refresh you, or to get you up to date, you can read JAK Chat's previous entry:
May 14th "Ham & Cheese, Please. With Miracle Whip: The Sandwich Generation"
I am happy to report that as of his July 20th, MRI's and PET Scans, my dad's oncologist concludes:
~lymphoma on his residual disease
~lymphoma on his back...stable disease at L5
~throughout his active disease
Yay! This is great news!!
Yet, with the track record of this disease and journey back to health, we've experienced setbacks, and today is no exception. With a week early bump up of my dad's oncologist follow up appointment because of fatigue, congestion, and confusion, we find and leave him today admitted back into the hospital and being treated for pneumonia. So, it's masks on!
As I sit here, present in the room with the on-going visits from CNA's, nurses, doctors, food service. Watching dad sleep, struggling with a cough, chatting with mom, checking in on what's happening at home...I am hopeful and amazed at the miracles of modern medicine and of God that have been imparted on my dad.
I hear the bells chime again over the intercom...another baby is born. Another miracle.
While here, fighting to restore a life...that of my dad's, I am reminded that some 20 years and 18 years ago, my two daughters breathed their first breaths of life right here in this same hospital. We came and went. We're back, again. Who knows if or when we'll return. And for what?
Written by Just Add Kids Founder,
Paula Herrmann
Today, instead of working (

Over the hospital intercom, the bells start to chime that sweet familiar tune...a baby is born! And that's kinda where this story started. Read more...
For those of you who subscribe to this blog or newsletter, you may know of the path of battling cancer that my dad (and family) has been thrown into, pretty much the day after the Just Add Kids EXPO! To refresh you, or to get you up to date, you can read JAK Chat's previous entry:
May 14th "Ham & Cheese, Please. With Miracle Whip: The Sandwich Generation"
I am happy to report that as of his July 20th, MRI's and PET Scans, my dad's oncologist concludes:
~lymphoma on his residual disease
~lymphoma on his back...stable disease at L5
~throughout his active disease
Yay! This is great news!!
Yet, with the track record of this disease and journey back to health, we've experienced setbacks, and today is no exception. With a week early bump up of my dad's oncologist follow up appointment because of fatigue, congestion, and confusion, we find and leave him today admitted back into the hospital and being treated for pneumonia. So, it's masks on!
As I sit here, present in the room with the on-going visits from CNA's, nurses, doctors, food service. Watching dad sleep, struggling with a cough, chatting with mom, checking in on what's happening at home...I am hopeful and amazed at the miracles of modern medicine and of God that have been imparted on my dad.
I hear the bells chime again over the intercom...another baby is born. Another miracle.
While here, fighting to restore a life...that of my dad's, I am reminded that some 20 years and 18 years ago, my two daughters breathed their first breaths of life right here in this same hospital. We came and went. We're back, again. Who knows if or when we'll return. And for what?
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