4 BTS: What She Said! by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann Where'd ya go, summer? That's what's probably top of mind with the majority of us moms here in SE Wisconsin, prompted in part, by the cloudy skies and cool breezes of the week. Yet, for a large number of us it's all about BTS (Back to School!). My head spins as in my typical fashion, I'm just starting to prepare and wrap my head around the fact that our family schedule is going to dramatically change, starting Monday evening, August 31st. Hello! That's only 4 days away. I know there's a nice chunk of you that are already in the mode as your kiddos have started their 2015-16 school year. How's it going?! Surviving the transition? Read more... Thank goodness for friends and social media to set me (and a plethora of others) straight on the path ahead. Here are 4 timely pieces of advice, compliments of Mary! "Back to school reminders for me (repeat 10 times), but posted publicly for my...