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Showing posts from August, 2015

Preview 4 U!

4 BTS: What She Said! by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann Where'd ya go, summer?   That's what's probably top of mind with the majority of us moms here in SE Wisconsin, prompted in part, by the cloudy skies and cool breezes of the week. Yet, for a large number of us it's all about BTS (Back to School!). My head spins as in my typical fashion, I'm just starting to prepare and wrap my head around the fact that our family schedule is going to dramatically change, starting Monday evening, August 31st. Hello! That's only 4 days away. I know there's a nice chunk of you that are already in the mode as your kiddos have started their 2015-16 school year. How's it going?! Surviving the transition? Read more... Thank goodness for friends and social media to set me (and a plethora of others) straight on the path ahead.  Here are 4  timely pieces of advice, compliments of Mary! "Back to school reminders for me (repeat 10 times), but posted publicly for my...

Higher Expectations

Find Out What IT Means to Me! by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann "Look your grandfather in the eye when he's talking to you" is something I find myself reminding my son, time and again. My kids don't have a rebellious nature, so thankfully even after reminded direction and correction, they typically oblige (maybe with an eyeball roll or shoulder drop). Kids are kids and they only learn what they are taught. And I, as their mother, am the most important teacher. Read more... I am grateful I had a good upbringing. I know that my parents instilled in me to strive to be excellent, have integrity, and be respectful. What does it mean to "strive to be excellent"? It doesn't mean pounding the crap out of someone to win the game, or having the standard of perfection. Making an effort use your individual God-given talents, abilities, and skills in the best way possible by giving that little extra. Being "excellent" is a way of thinking/feeling an...

OMG, peeps.

For the Love of God... by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann I've gone back and forth as to whether or not I should write about, broach the subject. I feel like it's none of my business, then I think I have a responsibility. I don't feel like it's fair. I feel guilty.  At the same time that I am having a fun and making memories with my kids, my hubs, my BFF and her daughter (my daughter's BFF); another mom not so far away is grieving. Read more... I am talking about the 13 year old Caledonia girl who got hit by a drunk and drugged driver this past Sunday. It's just so absolutely senseless. Innocence gone, in a blink of an eye, due to the incredibly POOR judgment of another. I didn't learn about the accident, I don't think, until late that night after a long day spent with the group mentioned above. First, going to church in the morning; then, visiting my dad in the hospital; and finally, wrapping it up with an unplanned, defaulted visit to a new fami...

Comings & Goings

From Whence We Came Written by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann Today, instead of working ( or playing hooky) I sit in the hospital room. I'm not complaining, we've got the room with a view, after all. Over the hospital intercom, the bells start to chime that sweet familiar tune...a baby is born! And that's kinda where this story started. Read more... For those of you who subscribe to this blog or newsletter, you may know of the path of battling cancer that my dad (and family) has been thrown into, pretty much the day after the Just Add Kids EXPO! To refresh you, or to get you up to date, you can read JAK Chat's previous entry: May 14th "Ham & Cheese, Please. With Miracle Whip: The Sandwich Generation" I am happy to report that as of his July 20th, MRI's and PET Scans, my dad's oncologist concludes: ~lymphoma on his residual disease ~lymphoma on his back...stable disease at L5 ~throughout his active disease Yay! This is g...