Children and Concussions
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Wheaton Franciscan Healthcare- All Saints
Every sport your child plays comes with the risk of a concussion. Risks are present even just when they are socially playing indoors or outdoors. As a parent, it is important to know the risks, symptoms, and treatment options for concussions.
Would you recognize the signs of a concussion?
A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury, and all concussions are significant. A person does not need to lose consciousness to suffer from a concussion. A person can sustain a concussion without a direct blow to the head. Concussions left untreated can cause long-term problems.

It is common for a concussed athlete to have one or many concussion symptoms and they evolve and emerge 24–48 hours after the injury occurs.
Concussion Symptoms
- Headache
- Nausea/vomiting
- Dizziness
- Balance problems
- Fatigue
- Sensitivity to light/noise
- Numbness
- Feeling mentally foggy
- Feeling slowed down
- Difficulty remembering
- Difficulty Concentrating
- Irritability
- Sadness
- More emotional
- Nervousness
Sleep Related
- Drowsiness
- Sleeping more or less than usual
- Trouble falling asleep
Who can care for my child before and after a concussion?
The All Saints athletic training staff provides support to athletic teams from Case, Horlick, Lutheran, Park, St. Catherine’s, and Union Grove high schools. Part of their job is to educate athletes, parents, and coaches about injury prevention, including concussions. They also provide on-the-field care, including evaluation for advanced medical care and help manage follow-up care.
The team at the All Saints Concussion Care Network can treat head injuries and concussions in both children and adults. To return to play, the child must be evaluated and cleared by a medical professional. We provide baseline testing, concussion screening, follow up care and guidance.
After someone has suffered a concussion, how do you know when he or she is ready to get back into the game?
All Saints utilizes the ImPACT (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) system. ImPACT uses computerized neurocognitive assessment tools to help doctors and athletic trainers determine an athlete’s ability to return to play after suffering a concussion. This widely used testing program has become a standard tool across high school, collegiate, and professional sports.
The ImPACT program measures many aspects of cognitive functioning in athletes including:
- Attention span
- Working memory
- Sustained and selective attention time
- Response variability
- Non-verbal problem solving
- Reaction time
After a concussion, the ImPACT test measures a player’s symptoms, verbal and visual memory, and processing and reaction speed. “This is especially important because Wisconsin State law requires any child in an organized athletic program suspected of a concussion to be removed from play even if they say they feel okay to continue playing,” says Dr. Goran Jankovic, Family/Sports Medicine.
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“To return-to-play, the child must be evaluated and cleared by a health care professional. At All Saints, we provide baseline testing, concussion screening, follow-up care, guidance for head injuries, and suspected concussions,” adds Dr. Jankovic.
If you think your child has sustained a concussion, seek care by visiting the Emergency Care Center or scheduling an appointment with the All Saints Concussion Care Network at (262) 687-5800. To learn more, visit

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