Make it a Great Month,
Season, Year!
Season, Year!

Written by
Just Add Kids Founder,
Paula Herrmann
If you're on Facebook, you've probably seen the multitude of status updates of people posting pictures of flowers and then tagging others to do the same. The purpose of this was to fill the newsfeeds with flowers rather than all of the negativity that you may see in social media, traditional media, or the world in general.
Well, 'tis the season. In the midst of an election, you see the good, the bad, and the really really ugly rear their heads. And I am no stranger to the drama!
Fall is a challenging time for me. I'm a summer gal. When the cool northeast wind starts to blow, and there seems to be an abundant of cloudy dreary days, my envy and attitude points southerly.
It's been an exceptional year for reported government scandals, terror, epidemic threats of illness, and of course the upcoming election day. I'm working hard (not always succeeding) to tune the bad out and tap into the good. Instead of listening to talk radio, which was a favorite workday pastime of mine, I'm tapping into Mozart, Abba, and others. It makes a difference.
Instead of staying up late watching TV and perusing Craigslist for office finds, I'm turning the TV off and getting my butt out of bed at 6:15am. We've (my family) has struggled with my sporadic morning wakeups....mostly contingent on my night's before activities.
So as silly as a picture of flowers may seem. I'd rather look at botanicals then see another political direct mail piece cross my path.
Have a GREAT one!
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