Hello! My name is Adam Haut and if you had told my younger self that someday my goal was to create the perfect baby teether I would have definitely questioned your sanity. Well, with life being a series of twists and turns, and sometime even u-turns, here I am doing something that never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined. Read more...
Having children alters your life dramatically and like the famous saying goes "The days are long and the years are short." When you've got a baby who is teething you certainly know just how long those days can be.
The idea for my teether came to me while my daughter was going through the teething process. Her sprouting teeth were causing her quite a lot of pain and we felt powerless because everything we tried to do seemed to have little to no effect one way or the other. We gave her frozen plastic rings, a rubber giraffe, and baby pain relievers but nothing helped. That’s when I had the classic thought “There’s got to be a better way!” and that's when the SweeTooth was born.

I would like to invite you to check out my project on Kickstarter where you can watch the video, see many more pictures, and find out all the details. Please join the others who also believe in SweeTooth because with your support we can turn the SweeTooth teether into a reality and bring sweet relief to teething babies everywhere!
Thank you for reading!
~Adam Haut
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