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Why Does My Child Need Chiropractic Care?     
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Sozo Chiropractic


You’ll probably never see your five or six-year-old bend over to pick up a toy and freeze in pain saying, “Oh, my back went out again.” Spinal degenerations and vertebral subluxations that cause that kind of pain will generally not appear in children - but it started there. Read more...

Birth Trauma

Even with a smooth labor and delivery, and no extraction methods being used, childbirth causes stress to a still developing spine. Add to this the improper lifting of the child out of a car seat or during a diaper changing; and minor spinal traumas are occurring that affect the spine and nervous system causing common newborn health complaints:

  • Colic

  • Unexplained crying

  • Poor appetite

  • Earaches or ear infections

  • Colds

  • Allergic reactions

Even a minor spinal trauma will affect the nervous system and interfere with your child’s normal healthy function.

Learning to Walk

When a child first learns to stand up they tend to use a coffee table, a couch, mom or dad’s fingers, whatever is in reach to pull themselves to their feet. Once they’re up there, how do they get down? That’s right; they plop down onto their bottom and crawl away.  When they’re starting to take their first few venturous steps toward walking they stand next to the table or couch, wobble back and forth a little bit, take one or two hesitant steps toward the middle of the room and, once again, plop onto their bottom. In some instances, the child doesn’t make it far enough away from the table or chair and hits their head on furniture.  These constant and repeated jars to the spine will not in themselves cause a major spinal injury, but as they accumulate repetitive stress injuries do occur.

Exploring Their Surroundings

SOZO CHIROPRACTIC Remi (2)During the first few years of life, children will develop from helpless infants into fearless adventurers. Bumps and falls naturally come with your child’s desire to learn everything about the world around them in the quickest amount of time possible, but these bumps and falls will cause trauma to the spine. When spinal bones lose their normal position or ability to move during this stage of tremendous physical growth, possible permanent deformities can occur. Left uncorrected, these small cumulative traumas can have far-reaching effects. While a Doctor of Chiropractic doesn’t treat or cure illnesses, many common childhood disorders may be the result of nervous system interference or malfunction caused by spine related problems, such as:


  • Bedwetting

  • Allergies

  • Asthma

This is just the tip of the iceberg, but appropriate Chiropractic care can help locate and correct these problems and restore normal spinal and nervous system function.

Your Child’s Developing Spine

There are three windows of time in which your child’s spine will go through major stages of development. The first of these is birth through age five. This is definitely the most critical time since it is during this period that the child also has the most minor traumas and repetitive stress injuries to the spine.  The second window of development is five years to ten years of age. During this time your child will begin school and spend recess climbing on monkey bars, sliding down slides, playing organized sports and generally leaving themselves open to repeated falls and tumbles resulting in their own spinal injuries. Finally, at age ten to fifteen-years-old, your child’s spine will go through its last stage of development. During this final stage, your child’s spinal growth will be greatly affected by most if not all of the following:

  • Improper backpack loading and carrying

  • Poor posture

  • An inactive or sedentary lifestyle

  • Repetitive sports movements

  • Typical sports injuries

It may be possible that you missed the first window of opportunity for care, but it’s not too late; your child or teenager can benefit from Chiropractic care.

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Even as the public is becoming more aware of the benefit of early detection and care of spinal problems, the odds are that most people start with chiropractic looking for pain relief as an adult.  The most obvious answer to the question of why your child may need Chiropractic care is: avoid having your child suffer the same pain that many adults suffer from.  Spinal problems that go undetected or neglected in children become more serious problems as adults.  Along with preventing problems as an adult, your child will experience many other health benefits along the way!

Dr. DoniBeth Davis is dedicated to providing you with the absolute best in family wellness care. Sozo Chiropractic Dr DoniBeth headshotHer office is located at 3720 72nd Avenue Kenosha, WI (on the corner of Hwy142 and County Rd EA, just west of Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club).  The office number is 262-764-9301.



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