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Showing posts from June, 2014

Child's Play

Oh Where, Oh Where Do the Children Play?                by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann                                                                                                             I was able to take a short trip south for a few days this week. Ah, it was so nice to feel what summer should be feeling like, especially being that it is the end of June, right? Eighty degrees, mild humidity...perfect, in my opinion!                                                                                                            It was the tri-state area of the Ohio River Valley, an area that I've never really experienced, rather have driven through a number of times. This trip brought me through hilly, lush, neighborhoods of the surrounding communities of Cincinnati. Beautiful countryside!  Many things the same as our hometowns here in SE Wisconsin...downtowns rich in history, schools, parks, waterfront destinations, your national chain restaurants and retail stores, ...

Oh Summer, Come Hither!

What to do? Here's to do! (Part 2-Stay Cool) by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER!   Finally, for my kiddos, too! What a whirlwind end of a school year it was for me and my family. Wheow. Dang! I've survived. It's been a pretty low-keyed two days into the summer break for my kiddos. The weather has kept us from our subdivision pool and the beach, and really not running outdoors to play, as it almost seems like autumn! Last week in this blog, JAK Chat, I highlighted a number of indoor play destinations in the area. This week I'm, or rather my brother in law, (pictured) hitting the water in hopes of HOT days ahead and a need to escape the heat. Yes?! Read more...   <click below image  to pop open a printable/downloadable PDF> Kenosha County Destinations: Anderson Park Swimming Pool (located at 8730 - 22nd Avenue in Kenosha) has two pools with a tot pool with small children's slide, 2 water slides, and a diving board. Lockers, l...

And They're OFF!

What to do?  Here's to do!    Written by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann   SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER! Well, everyone except for the public school district my kids are part of are out of school. Yah, you guessed it...RUSD! Yay, me! A week or so less days that I have to find things to do to keep my kids active and engaged during these long-awaited summer days, I guess. I'm looking at the positive and it's so exciting the opportunities the kids have whether it's jumping into one, some, or a ton of the choices that Just Add Kids has listed in our Camp JAK Kids Summer Camp & Program Option Directory , doing something with the family or friends, free play in the yard, or just chillaxin'. Summer really needs to be a mix of all of that. Dontcha think? Read more.... I encourage you all to check out our website's JAK Happenings Calendar of Events A LOT! There are three of us that add events to that calendar on an on-going basis. Even if you check it once a we...


Introducing Dr. DoniBeth Davis Sponsored by Sozo Chiropractic Written by Dr. DoniBeth Davis I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself, as I will be bringing more blogs to you over the next several months.  I am a wife, mother of four and a chiropractor.  I just opened a practice in Kenosha, WI after practicing for 5 years at Daniels Chiropractic Office in Racine, WI.  It has been a long time dream of mine, as well as my husband’s, to open this clinic and we are finally living out the dream.  This has not happened without challenges.  See on November 22, 2013 we nearly lost everything…. Read More… We were traveling to Arizona to spend Thanksgiving with my sister and her family.  We were beyond excited for a vacation and time with our families together. As we were driving through Texas, the weather changed and it began to mist.  The temperature dropped too.  Suddenly, we were spinning out of control.  Our suburban rolled onto its side, my left arm went through the window and w...