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by Just Add Kids Founder
Paula Herrmann
I kinda don't even feel like I have the right to write about this, having only been on the sidelines. But, it has been on my mind for the last 4 days. The impression it's left...well, unforgettable.
If you missed out on any of the snapshots, comments, chatter about it....my gosh, I'll do my best, from the eyes and heart of this spectator who has been touched so deeply. Read more....
I'm talking about "A Night to Remember - Special Needs Prom" that was brought to life this past Sunday evening by the Great Lakes Church community and Racine community at large. My heart has grown especially soft and fond for the special needs community all spurred on by friendship that has started and grown over the last year. Oh, and if you've been a reader of JAK Chat, you may be familiar with the trio I am referring to. That being 16 year old Gavin who has autism: his service dog, Rusty; and his mom, Cindy.
The event brought together businesses, organizations, and individuals that donated tuxedos, dresses, limos, primping, photos,
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time...so much happened behind the scenes, yet for those of us who were spectators, it all came to life on the Red Carpet as each of the nearly 100 honored guests (special needs teens and young adults) were announced and escorted down the path with crowds cheering, cameras snapping, videos rolling, and tears streaming, into Racine's Festival Hall (which also played host to the prior evening's Post Prom party for area high schools) where dancing and activities ensued. Of course, most touching personally, was when the crowd was summoned to do a silent cheer for Gavin with hands up (pictured above). Too much noise for Gavin is over-stimulating.
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I didn't partake and observe anything that went on inside, but let's let the pictures and Gavin's recap below do the "talkin' "...
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Here's what non-verbal Gavin had to say about the memorable event via Rapid Prompting Method, in conversation with his therapist Jackie and his mom.
Mom - What did you think of the Night to Remember prom?
Gavin - I had a great time.
Mom - How did you feel walking down the red carpet and everyone was doing the quiet waving for you?
Gavin - I loved it....
Mom - Did you like dancing with Jenna and Bella and all the other girls? You danced with way more then 10 girls.
Gavin - I felt cool. They were all so beautiful.
Mom- What was so appealing in the quiet room that you kept going back there after every dance?
Gavin - It was relaxing.
Jackie - Were you trying to find more girls to dance with?
Gavin - Yes, next year can you come Jackie?
Jackie - I have Sunday's off and would love to help if I am invited.
Mom - What would you like to tell Great Lakes Church, Jeremy and Angela and all the other volunteers that made this prom so AWESOME!
Gavin - I had a great prom. Thank you for all you did for us.
Even more touched, is Cindy, Gavin's mom. Reflecting on the event, Cindy was up late last night and wrote out her thoughts in these words...
When "you" realize life is not all about "I and me" it's about "us and we",
that's when together we can truly make a difference in this world.
~ Cindy Schultz (Autism Solution Pieces - Co Founder).
Cindy writes on her Facebook wall..."This is how I felt the night of the Night to Remember Special Needs Prom (Great Lakes Church, Jeremy Moore, Angela Tappa and the many other volunteers that made this night so amazing for our kids ~ THANK YOU!!!!)"
And from a woman, a mom, a friend from the sidelines (that would be ME!)....Kudos to Great Lakes Church, hundreds of volunteers, countless donors/donations. You've made our community a better place! Well done!
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