May Day! May Day! May Day!
by Just Add Kids Founder,
Paula Herrmann
Welcome to the juggle.
Today is May 1st and already the schedule juggle has ramped up a notch. If you've been with me for a couple of years, you know how I feel about this month. Oh, it can be wonderful if our dear mother nature is kind and blows in some warm sunny weather. Then again, this IS Wisconsin. Don't hold your breath!
Mommas (dads, somehow I think you're exempt) once your kiddos reach school age...bring on the juggle struggle in May. Especially for those of you that have multiple children. Hang on we're in for a ride...
Thursdays in our household are notoriously busy. Anytime anyone invites me to something and they say, it's Thursday blah blah blah, I know it shows in my face immediately the thought of wanting to, and trying to go (or on the other hand having an excuse. Well, can't wanna go to everything, right?) Today, Thursday, May 1st, was the start of the onslaught of extra events: concerts, recitals, award ceremonies, banquets. Oh, you know. You've got those on your schedules, too, dontcha?!
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I honestly wonder who planned Mother's Day to happen in May? Was it a way to give us moms a break in the middle of the mayhem? Or in some cases, add to it? Hoping yours is one of rest and relaxation. For the life of me, I have no idea what we're doing. It's not one of those traditional plans as it is actually with Father's Day. I dare not volunteer to host. Well, whatever the plan ends up being, we've/I've got a whole week ahead of us/me to figure it out.
Perhaps, someone else plans your Mother's Day celebration....lucky! Or if you do, hope you've already done so. Or if not, best to you on squeezing in a moment of time to get things planned for the big day. And by the time we're there, May 11th, we'll be close to half the month being over. Deep breath in. Deep breath out.
For those of you who have wee ones (I know you're in the game all of the time), brace yourself ladies, it's a rite of passage, you too will soon encounter. Enjoy!
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