by Just Add Kids Founder,
Paula Herrmann
I'm always looking for a good party to crash! A few years back, I ran across this group of Kenosha County peeps that rallied (and continues to do so)behind a blue ribbon campaign in recognition and support of Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month. That being the month of April, obviously. Being a resident of Racine, though a stakeholder in the health and well-being of families in the county, I thought this would be a good fit for me personally and for my business, Just Add Kids.
Thankfully, our family is strong. Mine and my husband's relationship is intact. We are resourceful and have a strong network of family, friends, and community. Becoming an active member in the Turn the Town Blue Campaign community collaborative introduced me to the front line people that work day in and day out with families that are struggling to keep it together. Read more...
I could rewrite what was well written by the Kenosha News regarding our campaign, rather, I'll link you here to the article published on April 6th, 2014 "Campaign seeks to prevent child abuse, neglect"
So go figure, my role in the collaborative is that of marketing/promotion. If you're on Facebook, please "LIKE" our page, and find out how you as a community member can play a role in preventing child abuse and neglect.
Here are some awesome actions you can use in your own family, workplace, and community this month and year 'round!
[…] a Kenosha county-wide initiative to share the light on Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month in “Deserving of a Blue Ribbon”. Click the green link, in case you missed […]