The Lump In My Throat

Written by Just Add Kids Founder,
Paula Herrmann
I know, I know... if you are an avid reader of this newsletter and JAK Chat blog, follower of Just Add Kids, or a personal friend of mine, you might be thinking..."Girl, just get over it, already!" Nah, no, your not, especially if you are a mom.
You know what I am talking about. The choking back of happy sadness and/or the overwhelming pride. You get it every time you see your child up on the stage singing, dancing in a recital, reciting in a program, competing in a competition, and then there's the dreaded graduation. Okay, I know I am not alone on this one. Whether it's graduation from preschool, kindergarten, elementary school, 8th know it's a milestone that marks not only an accomplishment and a transition for your child, but it also brings on a sense of loss. "Losing" your baby, the fast passing of time, and you're getting older right along side of your child/ren. Read more...
My first "baby" graduates from high school this Sunday, and I have been housing this stupid lump in my throat, reigning in my mixed emotions of the happiness and sadness of all of the "lasts" we've been experiencing as parents the past couple of weeks. Last dance, last concert, last banquet, augh!
So many of you moms (and dads) are experiencing all of your firsts: 1st baby, 1st full night of sleep, 1st time eating cereal, 1st tooth, 1st steps, 1st birthday, 1st day of school in the fall, 1st Christmas. Yup, I remember them well!
My husband and I, too, are experiencing some firsts: 1st prom, 1st child to graduate. At the same time, some of our lasts: last concert, last awards banquet, etc. Where did the time go? If you were to ask me, it seemed like yesterday, when I gave birth and experienced all of those amazing firsts that we all as parents meet with excitement. As I sit as a spectator at all of these events, my eyes well up with tears, and I hold back the flood of a good cry.
Several times a day, I walk past her room and see that dang graduation gown hanging from her curtain rod, flat, waiting to be put on.
Can hardly wait for graduation day.I'm lying...I can.
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