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Awaken the Power of Learning in Your Child

Sponsored by Wisconsin Virtual Academy Wisconsin Virtual Academy logo
A tuition-free, online public school option for grades K-12

When students are inspired to learn, they grow more curious. Curiosity, in turn, leads to passionate interests. And those interests soon blossom into full potential—and an exciting future. We’re ready to put this goal in sight for your child. Because it’s amazing what can happen when you’re free to learn. Read more...

As a full-time, tuition-free, online public school authorized by McFarland School District for grades K–12, Wisconsin Virtual Academy (WIVA) lets students learn in the ways that are right for them. We combine the research-based, award-winning curriculum from K12— America’s K–12 online education leader—with expert teachers and extensive support to provide an outstanding education that meets or exceeds state standards.


The key is our individualized approach, which makes the most of each child’s potential. In K–8, students can set the pace to their learning day, guided by highly qualified teachers. In high school, teens have a wealth of academic choices, including AP levels. Plus, there are field trips and clubs all the way to graduation.

WIVA uses the award-winning K¹² curriculum that’s been created by cognitive scientists, interactive designers, and master teachers—many with advanced degrees. Decades of research about how children learn are combined with rich, dynamic content to make learning come alive.

This methodology incorporates everything from engaging audio, video, and illustrations to animated demonstrations and learning games. Each course is designed to be online from the outset, unlike other curriculum providers that often scan a textbook and call it “online education.” Subject matter is carefully sequenced so that from one grade to the next, students build new knowledge upon the strong foundations of what they’ve already learned.

To address a variety of learning styles, K12 integrates hands-on materials with online lessons—books, math manipulatives, maps, art supplies, and more, particularly in early grades. Plus, mastery based assessments are built right into the K–8 curriculum, to confirm students’ understanding of material. All course content meets or exceeds state and national standards.

Experience a sample lesson now to see what all this can mean for your child.

It all comes together in the Online School (OLS), where students can log in to their daily lessons, submit assignments, join a live web class, or reach out to their teachers for extra help. Easy-to-use planning and communication tools in the OLS let parents adjust scheduling, monitor progress, and stay in control.

How online school works – watch our video overview hosted by two K12 students.

All of WIVA’s online teachers are Wisconsin-licensed—and like excellent teachers everywhere, they know how to direct learning and inspire students. Our teachers also forge strong partnerships with parents. They manage all facets of the instructional process, regularly communicating with you and your student via e-mail, phone calls, and online meetings.

Along with consistent support from teachers and staff, we make it easy to connect and share resources with other parents—not just from WIVA, but in K12 partner schools worldwide. Our far-reaching parent networking groups help you get off to a great start, make the transition to a new grade, glean insightful tips, and even get moral support from veteran Learning Coaches.

WIVA also offers plenty of extracurricular activities of its own, to further help your child build lasting friendships, develop strong social skills, work collaboratively with others, and stay connected. Some of these opportunities are hosted online through our secure web-based meeting tool. Others take place face-to-face, including talent shows as well as regular field trips to exciting locations like museums, parks, and zoos. Plus, teens can enjoy prom, and even a graduation ceremony.


Whether your student is craving more challenges, better suited to a more focused learning environment, or always on the move, we give Wisconsin students from all walks of life the tools they need to succeed—in school and beyond. Our graduates earn a high school diploma that’s recognized by colleges and employers all around the globe.

Join the many families in Wisconsin whose children are reaching their true, personal potential through the individualized learning approach offered by Wisconsin Virtual Academy.

The Wisconsin 2013-2014 Open Enrollment window is February 4th – April 30th, 2013.

Learn more at an upcoming information session in your area.

Racine Information Session               Kenosha Information Session

Thursday, April 4th, 2013                        Thursday, April 23rd, 2013

5:00pm - 7:00pm                                  5:00pm - 7:00pm

Racine Public Library                              Comfort Suites

75 Seventh Street                                  7206 122nd Avenue

Racine, WI 53403                                   Kenosha, WI 53142

We also have online information sessions you can attend from your own home. For event details and to register visit or call our enrollment team at 866.339.9912.

“It’s not the school for everyone, but for some, it is just what they’ve always wanted. They can school at home with a top quality curriculum and full teacher support.”
Amanda France, K-2 Teacher

“There is something powerful about knowing that YOU can take charge of your child’s education.”
Tammy D., Parent

“I couldn’t imagine schooling any other way. I love it, and I’m doing very well!”
Violet A., Student

Is this right for your family? Take our 10-minute, interactive tutorial to find out.


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