Get Out!

What is the deal with the recent rash of high school evacuations due to bomb threats? I was informed about the one at Racine's Park High School via my high schooler's text. Read more... While my daughter is not a student at Park, apparently word travels fast in this world of immediate connectiveness via mobile phones. It seems one of her friends, a senior at Park was giving her the lowdown.
That same day, high school students in Grafton were evacuating their building, taking shelter at a nearby church. Last week, it was Greendale High School. While kids were in no real danger in the two latter situations, indeed, there was a bomb assembled in the case of Park High School, that ended up being "a bomb", thank goodness, as apparently it didn't detonate as intended (or not, who knows).
The sad reality of the Park High School situation is that it actually validates the necessity of taking each and every threat seriously. Who would've thought so, eh? Just extremely grateful the situation was handled and thanks, in part, to school staff and the Racine police and fire departments.
Now the situation at Greendale High School ends up being a kid who was voted onto the school's homecoming court as a joke. He was bullied, and was seeking retribution. This story is sad on so many levels. Motivation behind our 14 year old suspect in the homemade bottle bomb at Park will hopefully be revealed.
Why have high school bomb threats become so rampant? Are we done with this wave? Or will there be more? I suppose only time will tell. I hope this brief little post on the hot trend in area high school "bomb threats" soon turns out to be outdated.
What is the deal with the recent rash of high school evacuations due to bomb threats? I was informed about the one at Racine's Park High School via my high schooler's text. Read more... While my daughter is not a student at Park, apparently word travels fast in this world of immediate connectiveness via mobile phones. It seems one of her friends, a senior at Park was giving her the lowdown.
That same day, high school students in Grafton were evacuating their building, taking shelter at a nearby church. Last week, it was Greendale High School. While kids were in no real danger in the two latter situations, indeed, there was a bomb assembled in the case of Park High School, that ended up being "a bomb", thank goodness, as apparently it didn't detonate as intended (or not, who knows).
The sad reality of the Park High School situation is that it actually validates the necessity of taking each and every threat seriously. Who would've thought so, eh? Just extremely grateful the situation was handled and thanks, in part, to school staff and the Racine police and fire departments.
Now the situation at Greendale High School ends up being a kid who was voted onto the school's homecoming court as a joke. He was bullied, and was seeking retribution. This story is sad on so many levels. Motivation behind our 14 year old suspect in the homemade bottle bomb at Park will hopefully be revealed.
Why have high school bomb threats become so rampant? Are we done with this wave? Or will there be more? I suppose only time will tell. I hope this brief little post on the hot trend in area high school "bomb threats" soon turns out to be outdated.
I just wonder what are my kids going to face when they hit high school. Seems like a heavy issue, I would love to chat about this with JAK. Thanks for covering this.