The Pinnings and Pinings of a Virtual Mom
By now you have had to at least heard of Pinterest, if not have become like many of us...Pin-dicted (addicted to pinning).
Pinterest describes itself as a place where users can "organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web." Pinterest members can not only create their own pin boards but also can follow and browse other users' pin boards to glean more ideas.
Pinterested in hearing more? Read On...
I had started my Pinterest account as a way to just plug those ideas, websites, whatever related to my business, Just Add Kids, online in an organized manner. Before I knew it, I was gaining followers, getting repins, likes and comments. I could see how quickly interest in Pinterest grew. What the heck?! So I added it as one of JAK's marketing platforms. You never know what is going to peak someone else's interest.
My personal challenge, as well as I know is a problem for many, is that Pinterest is a time sucker. While people enjoy the time they get lost on Pinterest, it sure consumes your time. The searching and pinning is seemingly endless. A few minutes quickly turns into an hour evaporated as you escape into a Martha Stewart-like virtual fantasyland. It's very seductive! I love it and hate all at the same time.
If only I could quickly dress out of my Pinterest closet ("My Style" board). I'd love to cart my kiddos around town in that dreamy sexy minivan I've parked in my Pinterest garage ("Dream Board"). Oh, the dreaming never ends. Go ahead momma, dream on...request an invite or I'll invite you. Just ask.
Now, onto another wonderfully time-sucking place...Facebook. Actually, what inspired me to write about Pinterest today was this posting I saw on Facebook, which I ended up pinning on Pinterest. It's quite pin-citeful! So a bit of a change of course here in this commentary, but, what the heck...enjoy.
Back to Facebook...For those that are active there, I am sure you've seen a kackagillion of these ecards. Two of my favorite just from today, brought me from Pinterestland to reality and helped me feel not so bad about my house (feeling bad: which is the one of the two effects Pinterest leaves you with. The other? Inspired!) My house? Well, it's not Pinterest or Martha-worthy, but ecard acceptable. I'll leave you with these insightful, relatable musings....
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