Mother's Day is just around the corner. Can you believe it? Honestly, I don't know where the heck the month of April went. With that, Just Add Kidsis in the heat of contest time!The Just Add Kids "Color Mom Beautiful" Kid's Coloring Contest is in full swing. As in the past two years, Educators Credit Union is sponsoring this awesome promotion, with awarding the winner child artist with a gift basket including a $100 Toys R Us gift card...sweet! Timber Ridge Lodge & Waterpark is also sponsoring. Wanna know what our winning mom prize is? Read More...
...Mother's Day Overnight Stay Package* (min. value $199) for the winning mom's family.
Download your child's/ren's contest entry form here:
"Color Mom Beautiful"
If you are having problems downloading PDF file, please email your request to contest@justaddkidsonline.net
Ready? Set. COLOR!
Entries will be accepted/received through Friday, May 4th, 2012...hurry!
Thank you to our sponsors:

*prize valid for Mother's Day weekend 2012 Friday only, or any other available Sunday-Friday valid for one year
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