Getting Educated on Education, part 3
"Being a native of Denmark, we wanted the freedom to travel back to my native land."
"We homeschool because you just cannot beat the class sizes or the chance to teach kids the morals and values your family feels are important."
Another parent chose to homeschool her child with autism. She states "School staff is not properly trained to work with kids with Autism. They viewed his behaviors as 'bad'. They taught him like he was stupid or a baby, many MANY levels below what he is capably of, I know, because I use age appropriate work". Read More...
Finally, another mother's take on why she choose to homeschool: "I firmly believe that the Lord is very serious when He says that parents are to 'train up a child...' The secular world is very different from that which the Lord wants us to be a part of. Within the schools our children are attacked on all fronts- confronted with gangs, bullies, liberal agendas, risking indoctrination, poor educational standards and a lack of good information and solid moral grounds. As a Christian mother I take very seriously the commandments of the Lord - that being said I feel my children need to know Him and be in a place where He and His word are within all that is taught."
Reasons for homeschooling and curriculums used are as unique as each child is and it's popularity has grown tremendously in the last decade, as described by a homeschooling mom of a 15 year old. She chimes "It used to be if we were out and about during a normal school day, people would look at us strangely or inquire 'is school out today?' " That's not so much the case these days. Keeping in mind the many personal reasons family choose homeschooling, another reason is that our state happens to make it easy on families who choose this route.
There are few laws the govern home-based educational programs, including pretty lenient direction (really no direction) as to curricula. Though the state requires least 875 hours of instruction each school year, those hours don't need to be verified. Home-based private educational programs are not monitored either. One thing homeschoolers must do is to report that fact that they are homeschooling each school year that that choose to do so. This can be done easily online.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does provide a lot of information, including a link to home-based parent associations you may wish to contact for further information about home-schooling. Here is a great place to start when considering homeschooling: Wisconsin DPI.
When it comes to educating your child(ren), we parents have so many choices. It's just having the knowledge that you do have options, finding out what those options are, investigating/info gathering on those options that interest you/are a good fit, make the decision, and sign up!
Do your homework!
"Being a native of Denmark, we wanted the freedom to travel back to my native land."
"We homeschool because you just cannot beat the class sizes or the chance to teach kids the morals and values your family feels are important."
Another parent chose to homeschool her child with autism. She states "School staff is not properly trained to work with kids with Autism. They viewed his behaviors as 'bad'. They taught him like he was stupid or a baby, many MANY levels below what he is capably of, I know, because I use age appropriate work". Read More...
Finally, another mother's take on why she choose to homeschool: "I firmly believe that the Lord is very serious when He says that parents are to 'train up a child...' The secular world is very different from that which the Lord wants us to be a part of. Within the schools our children are attacked on all fronts- confronted with gangs, bullies, liberal agendas, risking indoctrination, poor educational standards and a lack of good information and solid moral grounds. As a Christian mother I take very seriously the commandments of the Lord - that being said I feel my children need to know Him and be in a place where He and His word are within all that is taught."
Reasons for homeschooling and curriculums used are as unique as each child is and it's popularity has grown tremendously in the last decade, as described by a homeschooling mom of a 15 year old. She chimes "It used to be if we were out and about during a normal school day, people would look at us strangely or inquire 'is school out today?' " That's not so much the case these days. Keeping in mind the many personal reasons family choose homeschooling, another reason is that our state happens to make it easy on families who choose this route.
There are few laws the govern home-based educational programs, including pretty lenient direction (really no direction) as to curricula. Though the state requires least 875 hours of instruction each school year, those hours don't need to be verified. Home-based private educational programs are not monitored either. One thing homeschoolers must do is to report that fact that they are homeschooling each school year that that choose to do so. This can be done easily online.
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction does provide a lot of information, including a link to home-based parent associations you may wish to contact for further information about home-schooling. Here is a great place to start when considering homeschooling: Wisconsin DPI.
When it comes to educating your child(ren), we parents have so many choices. It's just having the knowledge that you do have options, finding out what those options are, investigating/info gathering on those options that interest you/are a good fit, make the decision, and sign up!
Do your homework!
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