Jack & Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of ...Red #40? by JAK’s guest mom blogger from Pleasant Prairie, Bonnie Hahn For the past two months or so, every time I scold my son, make an unwelcomed suggestion (clean your room?) or...speak pretty much anything out loud or breathe, he asks 'Who crapped in your cornflakes?'. Talk about beating a dead horse! AND...I don't even like cornflakes. I've been spending some time at my kid's school helping out in classes, shortly after school starts in the morning. I've noticed a lot of 'behavior' that is puzzling to me. Given that these are 6-10 year old children I'm dealing with, expecting perfection is certainly unreasonable. Though, I find myself expecting much more than I am seeing... Read More... I know there are a lot of legitimate cases of ADD/ADHD, but I also know that there are a lot more that could be helped by simple dietary changes and eliminating certain things from the home environment. As I wa...