...A Day 4 Dreams, Type A, and Amazin' For the past couple of months, you've probably seen the ad displayed on this weekly e-newsletter and on the Just Add Kids website page announcing the upcoming "A Day 4 Dreams" . Just in case you haven't, well, here it is again!>>>> If you are wondering just what the heck this is all about, you can obviously click on the ad, or right here: AD4D While this is a bit of a plug for the event, my intent here is to shine the light on what, or rather, WHO is behind all of this crazy fun and fundraising. I first met Tammy Flynn about three years ago, when she became one of my advertising customers at the place where I was previously employed. Admittedly, she was a bit high-maintenance. Read more... Always so particular with her advertisements, which drove me insane! Her hyper energy level nearly exhausted me. She was/is unbelievably put together: big, long, perfectly coiffed hair; impeccable nails...both finger...