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Showing posts from March, 2011

"A" is for April, and...

...A Day 4 Dreams, Type A, and Amazin' For the past couple of months, you've probably seen the ad displayed on this weekly e-newsletter and on the Just Add Kids website page announcing the upcoming "A Day 4 Dreams" .  Just in case you haven't, well, here it is again!>>>> If you are wondering just what the heck this is all about, you can obviously click on the ad, or right here: AD4D While this is a bit of a plug for the event, my intent here is to shine the light on what, or rather, WHO is behind all of this crazy fun and fundraising. I first met Tammy Flynn about three years ago, when she became one of my advertising customers at the place where I was previously employed.  Admittedly, she was a bit high-maintenance. Read more... Always so particular with her advertisements, which drove me insane!  Her hyper energy level nearly exhausted me.  She was/is unbelievably put together: big, long, perfectly coiffed hair; impeccable nails...both finger...

JAK Flashback

Bringing Back  the Shoulder Pad Generation For JAK ,  it must be a slow news day  if I have to resort back to 80's fashion.  Sorry, dudes...if you thought I would be talking football shoulder pads...hate to disappoint you.  You might just want to scroll on down to the meat and potatoes of today's newsletter. There probably isn't a day that goes by that I wonder how my one time small framed, average 34B body morphed into Read more... this blob.  One would think I should get over it, but it's what I've had to work with since the birth of my first child some 17 years ago:  thirty plus more pounds on average, scarred up abdomen  (from 3 c-sections: 2 horizontal, 1 vertical), expanded rib cage, and distinctly rounded and sloped shoulders.  And the funnest part is, what most women perhaps would want... an increase in cup size, came with 4 more inches in band size and 1 more hook in the back. (2 + 1 =3, that's right sista, 3 hooks).  With the last two components (s...


7 yrs pt 2 by JAK's guest mom blogger from Caledonia, Beth Gilmore Today is your opportunity to be courageous and choose the priorities in life that are most important to you.  Today is your chance to take the things that are most important that have been coming in last and put them first. In order to do this, you have to first be able to view your life with your eyes wide open.  It was because of a fluke that that a bright, revealing light was shone on my life.  I was forced to stay home for an entire week last month.  I was told by doctors to cancel all appointments and stay “quarantined” until the results of my TB test came back.  I had been exposed a few months prior and had just gotten the news.  Read more... Stuck at home, I worked with my daughter Anna on her school assignments morning and night.  Usually, she was on her own with her work.  I would give her some guidance and check it once I got home from my job, but all in all, it was her responsibility to get it done.  My a...

wat r u sacrificing?

7 yrs by JAK's guest mom blogger from Caledonia, Beth Gilmore Everything that happens, or DOESN’T happen, in our lives is a function of our priorities.  As mothers, our arms reach far and wide to embrace and direct our families.  We are constantly juggling our careers, errands, cooking, cleaning, home management, miscellaneous activities, religion, financial management and, eventually, “me” time, exercise and personal growth.  It is no wonder that so many of us get lost in the chaos of it all and get sucked down the river of life in a canoe with no paddles.  Sometimes we get bashed against the rocks as the current drags on and on as we try and keep the whole vessel in balance.  And still other times, we are in command of the paddles and are directing the current to take us where we want to go… then we see it: a waterfall in the distance… and it becomes time to stop .  We drag the canoe onto the shore and we stop to survey the options. That’s what happened to me, a waterfall by the ...

Family Feud

Survey Says... Really, no big internal family disputes here!  Just a little catchy title and subtitle to this week's commentary. It's survey time, JAK peeps! In an effort to get a clearer picture as to who the Just Add Kids ' audience is (that's you!), how JAK is serving you now, and what JAK can do in the future to make your life easier in terms of product offering and content, I need your assistance by taking a brief survey. Here we go...