Just Add Kids 101
New Year's greetings to all! I thought I would start out the first JAK Happenings e-newsletter of 2011 reviewing for some/ introducing to others, the basics of Just Add Kids!
I am always surprised when I learn that someone who knows about and is familiar with Just Add Kids doesn't realize all of what JAK's got to offer. So let's get this class started!
First of all, Just Add Kids is many times referred to as it's acronym JAK. The Just Add Kids business provides resources that are quickly and easily accessible for families looking primarily for kid-oriented, family-friendly activities and events. JAK currently focuses on serving those in Racine, Kenosha and the surrounding communities with children ages preborn through 18.
At this time, JAK's product offerings consist of:
website: www.JustAddKidsOnline.net
e-newsletters: weekly JAK Happenings, monthly JAK Birthday Bash, seasonal CAMP JAK.
social network sites: JAK on Facebook, and JAK on Twitter.
blog: JAKChat
special events: Just Add Kids Expo 2010 and coming in February Read More...
is the activeKIDSEXPO! More on this coming very soon to the website.
So you think that the JAK Happenings weekly e-newsletter is pretty awesome? You've found out about and participated in some great things that were listed in the Happenings sections. Well, don't hold back! Plus that, you might be missing out if you don't access the website's full calendar of events throughout the week, coincidentally called Just Add Kids Happenings Calendar of Events. (To go there now, click here: http://www.justaddkidsonline.net/Just_Add_Kids_Happenings.html)
Don't let the info flow stop there! JAK follows relevant businesses, organizations, events and destinations and will disseminate announcements and updates that you as a parent/grandparent/educator/child care provider should know about. These things impact your lives and the lives of your children. So if you've ventured into wild world of social networking sites, please add Just Add Kids to your friend base, likes, and follows. Again, JAK only participates in two...Facebook and Twitter.
So do you fully get it? JAK doesn't claim to be a teacher, or a writer! Just a bundle of tied together resources that puts family fun at your fingertips.
Oh my, I think I just gave birth to a slogan!
New Year's greetings to all! I thought I would start out the first JAK Happenings e-newsletter of 2011 reviewing for some/ introducing to others, the basics of Just Add Kids!
I am always surprised when I learn that someone who knows about and is familiar with Just Add Kids doesn't realize all of what JAK's got to offer. So let's get this class started!
First of all, Just Add Kids is many times referred to as it's acronym JAK. The Just Add Kids business provides resources that are quickly and easily accessible for families looking primarily for kid-oriented, family-friendly activities and events. JAK currently focuses on serving those in Racine, Kenosha and the surrounding communities with children ages preborn through 18.
At this time, JAK's product offerings consist of:
website: www.JustAddKidsOnline.net
e-newsletters: weekly JAK Happenings, monthly JAK Birthday Bash, seasonal CAMP JAK.
social network sites: JAK on Facebook, and JAK on Twitter.
blog: JAKChat
special events: Just Add Kids Expo 2010 and coming in February Read More...
is the activeKIDSEXPO! More on this coming very soon to the website.
So you think that the JAK Happenings weekly e-newsletter is pretty awesome? You've found out about and participated in some great things that were listed in the Happenings sections. Well, don't hold back! Plus that, you might be missing out if you don't access the website's full calendar of events throughout the week, coincidentally called Just Add Kids Happenings Calendar of Events. (To go there now, click here: http://www.justaddkidsonline.net/Just_Add_Kids_Happenings.html)
Don't let the info flow stop there! JAK follows relevant businesses, organizations, events and destinations and will disseminate announcements and updates that you as a parent/grandparent/educator/child care provider should know about. These things impact your lives and the lives of your children. So if you've ventured into wild world of social networking sites, please add Just Add Kids to your friend base, likes, and follows. Again, JAK only participates in two...Facebook and Twitter.
So do you fully get it? JAK doesn't claim to be a teacher, or a writer! Just a bundle of tied together resources that puts family fun at your fingertips.
Oh my, I think I just gave birth to a slogan!
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