Library Summer Reading Programs of Heroic Proportions! by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann Reading over the summer months can make a huge difference for kids when they get back to school in the fall. With a lack of summer reading, children can actually loose up to three months in reading skill. Summer reading loss is cumulative, leaving some kids years behind as they get older. By the end of 6th grade, kids who lose reading skills over the summer may end up being two years behind their classmates. Wow! I know, you don't want your kid to end up on the low end of the reading spectrum. Don't let your kiddo's reading skills take a blow this summer. Read more... Our area libraries have once again come to the rescue in offering summer reading program incentives under "Every Hero Has a Story" and/or "Escape the Ordinary", this years themes for a nationwide summer reading program collaborative of public libraries. POW! P retty O utstanding W ins for th...