F.B.O. Reyna! Written by Beth Bitner Reyna Moore is a local Racine girl who has recently been diagnosed with Ewing Sarcoma, which is a rare form of bone and soft connective tissue cancer. She has a tumor in her left hip and upper femur. The cancer has also spread to her lungs. She has undergone 5 rounds of chemotherapy thus far and is starting her 6 th round on May 29 th . Reyna is 8 years old and a middle child in a family of four children. She has two older brothers, Alonzo who is 15 and Mario who is 13, as well as a younger sister Maria who is 7 and doubles as her best friend. Her mother Trudy is a hardworking single mom who is trying her hardest to provide the best life possible for her children. Reyna’s cancer was found after she had been complaining about her leg hurting for a couple of weeks, and it was pretty much written off as growing pains. At 8 years old, cancer is probably the furthest thing from a parent’s mind. Read More... Trudy decided to take Reyna to the doctor a...