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Showing posts from December, 2012

Well Read

Well Bred? By Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann Ha! That's what I thought! Made some interesting observations as of late. Maybe my conclusions have been consistent with other musings I've had and have verbalized here or there (likely, Facebook). When the thought occurred to me to chat about the ungratefulness and entitled generation we're raising, never did I think I'd have to include me own kiddos in the conversation. Read More... Yet, I shake my head in disbelief. I'm not going to share the long drawn out story here, as I have verbalized my version of the series of unfortunate events that unfolded in my home within the last 24-36 hours (and further back, I fear) to 4 people today (one of my best friends, my nail tech, my chiropractor, and my husband). Each successive version gets longer (well, 'cept my chiropractor, as my appointment didn't allow, lucky her!) and I try to limit my word count here.  So in a nutshell, here goes... My kids (and sadly, mos...


iT's ON THE LIST :-( By Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann A few months back I described my family's addiction to the family of "i's" (see "Me. Myself. And i" in JAK Chat ). You know, it started with the iPod (mine, daughter #2), then next came the next generation iPod Touch (daughter #1), the "new" iPad (me), then finally the iPhone 4s (that would be mine, again). With two of my kids' birthdays in December, Christmas, and another birthday in January, I have lists up the wazoo. Read more ... So here's the deal, being the "seasoned" mom, that I am...may I offer some words of wisdom, as I probably am paving the path before you with an 18, 16, 10, and 9 year old kids. If you buy your 8, 9, or 10 year kid a iPhone WILL run out of things to buy your kids by the time they are teens. I am flabbergasted that my 5th grade daughter has friends/classmates that have iPhones , and perhaps they've had them for a couple o...

Helping Your Senior Parent Downsize

Sponsored by Peace of Mind Transitions LLC As we gather at the holiday table, some of us will notice our senior parents are changing. Perhaps they ask “Where’s Jimmy?” five times, struggle to maintain their balance while walking, or can’t focus on peeling potatoes. This may spark a conversation with a brother or sister: Should mom or dad receive more attention? If they're still living in their house, should they be selling and moving into a community setting? Read more The holidays are a great time to ask mom and dad about what they want in their future and to suggest ideas. The problem is, these conversations are hard. They shine a spotlight on life’s finality, allow complex family dynamics to surface, and make us ever too aware of how we may become stretched to the boundaries of our own time and energy. Yet, since change is inevitable, we might as well face the future directly and with some positive energy. We can look for the positive outcomes of the upcoming change, rather than...

When Life Gives You Lymes...

...You Make...An Online Auction, Of Course! by Just Add Kids Founder, Paula Herrmann I know the feeling (kinda)...swimming in a cesspool of medical bills. Post my gall bladder removal surgery five years ago, I was made aware of  the gaff made: thinking that my health insurance actually covered the surgery, yet $27,000. quickly became my responsibility. Five years later, I am still paying off that debt. Dang. Enter Lauren Lamoreaux and her 3 young daughters, all afflicted with Congenital Lyme Disease. Read More... I just bumped into Lauren this week via a Facebook event invitation that I received from a mutual friend. Well, here's a unique one, I thought to myself, never been invited to a Facebook online auction before. It took me a day to hop over there and see what this is all about. Reading the event description took me to a place where I was a bit familiar, of course, with a ginormous medical bill and similarly, we both have 3 daughters, albeit, mine are a few years older. I co...