It's BOO Season! Have you ever been "Booed" or "Ghosted"? Last year, I had the best intention of paying it forward, sorta speak, with some booing fun. Hmmm....didn't happen. This year, with it on my mind a bit earlier in the season, I DO plan to jump in on this fun and unique craze! I say "craze" and yet, Wisconsin has consistently and modestly ranked around the 20th most popular state to participate in "booing", according to the self-regulated booing industry website, which has been tracking hits by state since 2009. Read more... [caption id="attachment_363" align="alignright" width="335"] Been BOO-ed sheet[/caption] So in a nutshell, here's how it goes: you go to the website , download and print copy of the "Boo" sheet, add a little tasty treat (wrapped candy or treat, toys, stickers, knick-knack, etc.) arrive at your neighbor's/friends/family member's doorst...