Hittin' the Books I know for many of us with school-aged kids, our kiddos are looking forward to their summer and no school. While there are many summer programs and camps available, there is still a lot of time to replace the time our kids spend at school and on homework. Thankfully, our public libraries across the region know and have announced the following. Read more... The Kenosha Public Library has a great summer planned for kids and families! The Library has added programs for teens and for families with infants, birth-35 months, promoting early literacy. Back are some of the most popular kids' programs with some new and exciting ones added. Summer program information can be found in the Kenosha Public Library Summer Event Calendar available at all Library branches and on the Bookmobile as well as here: http://mykpl.info/s/summer-library-program and on the Just Add Kid s' website's Happenings Calendar of Events . The excitement will kick off tomorrow, Friday...