April Wrap Up: Wrapped in Love In recognition of April being Autism Awareness month, Just Add Kids welcomes Colleen Nagle, a Burlington mom, as JAK's guest blogger. Autism is easy to misunderstand, misinterpret and mislead. My son is the master of disguise and the best way to understand our kids is to assume nothing. That is, assume only that they are kids, children, teens, silly, loving, intelligent and, well, simply put, no different than any other kid. Everything I have been told about Autism is wrong. Everything I know about Autism I have learned from my son. My son with Autism. He loves me just like his typical siblings love me, he cries when he misses me and he smiles when we are together again. Read more... He cannot speak. He has never been able to express his favorite color or cartoon or game. My heart longs to know him, to know the little everyday things: to know that he has favorites; to know that he likes the food I serve him; to know if ...